Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Some time back , in of the forums on facebook the issue of stress came up. Since the forum was for Juvenile Diabetics , the topic was much appreciated as stress influences in experiencing higher blood sugar and blood pressure levels. 
Meditation is being recommended to diabetics to lower the risk of complications due to prolonged diabetes. See the link http://diabetes.webmd.com/diabetes-complications-10/slideshow-avoid-damage?ecd=wnl_dia_050112.

But in these times Meditation is rewarding and beneficial to everyone. We all feel the need to get in touch with the source of energy as we are prone to deficiency while fighting our daily battles. Since the attack is on our physical mental emotional and social health a lot of energy gets consummed in retaining optimum levels which can generate an advantageous position for us. 

A lot of us find it difficult to meditate since we are not used to sitting alone with our self and find difficulty in repose and inactivity. We continuosly need something that stimulates us and keeps us in an excited state. It could also be the fear of loosing time and touch with active bustle. 

But there is an easy way out. I will only be happy to share a simple path to meditation which can be  practised even while engrossed in activity.

I am happy to recieve an extraordinary response for my last post. A Girl has given a beautiful feedback on explaining that meditation can be succesfully accomplished by ordinary activity that we carry out everyday. Sister Nivedita described it precisely as " “If the many and the One be indeed the same Reality, then it is not all modes of worship alone, but equally all modes of work, all modes of struggle, all modes of creation, which are paths of realization. No distinction, henceforth, between sacred and secular. To labour is to pray. To conquer is to renounce. Life is itself religion. To have and to hold is as stern a trust as to quit and to avoid.”  This is based on the vedantic concept that whatever is visible as many is actually coming from one source. 

I wish to offer a simpler way to meditate or connect to the source from where we derive a limitless supply of energy.
Why do we need this energy ? According to Swami Vivekanda weakness or the lack of strength or the lack of energy is the single cause of misery be it physical misery or mental misery. When the mind becomes weak millions of microbes of misery floating around us get the power to hold us to ransom just like all diseases strike when the power of immunity deteriorate.

There are many things that make us weak and similarly many of them which give us strength. By rejecting all those that make us weak and retaining all that give us strength we can plug  a major cavity through which our energies escape. There ia list of such things available and I plan to upload them soon. But lets get back to a major factor and cause for energy depletion. It is the  power of our thoughts. This whole universe is the manifestation of power in the form of energy and matter. The energy form of power is called a thought and the matter form of power is called the physical world. Behind the manifestationof the physical  is the power of thoughts. These thoughts flow through channel called our mind. 

Only one small excercise can not only bring the mind under control , create love in our hearts for everyone and bring us to the same state as meditation. A small change is required in our order.

Us.............God as a means to fulfill wants,  desires, enjoyment is what we actually follow instead 
Us.............Thank for everyday gifts including obstacles as a Way to show our love to God who now becomes our goal

The second method is not only ideal but has a shorter que. 

Donot worry if you are an athiest who does not believe in God. Just thank your own self for everything.
See the change in your energy levels. This method has no side effects which are harmful. 

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