Sunday, December 11, 2016

An Uncomplicated version in time.

We experience time as being linear. The past is left behind, the present is currently running and the future is yet to come. But Science and Vedanta say that time is relative, making the distinction between past, present and future an illusion. All three past, present and future co-exist. Our consciousness can grasp only one at any given time. But what if there was someone like me who could move freely in the zone where time was not divided into past, present and future, and could witness the complete wheel of time.

The following post could be a work of fiction and is dedicated to those five type1 diabetics who came in contact with a time traveller and how he changed their future, without their knowledge.

I loved to travel in time. It allowed my consciousness to grasp any life form including people, in totality without the distinction of past, present and future. (It is like watching a movie from start to finish in one frame) This entitled me to view deep back into the past and far ahead in the future. The joy of transcending the captivity of time, and perceiving  a life without any break, made me realise that connections are what sustains a life. The links, connections or bonds, whatever you may call them are what, give flavour to a life. (this flavour can be good or bad, happy or sorrowful, healthy or sickly). To a time traveller, all these links suddenly become very transparent. Since these links are responsible for making our life path, we should be very careful with whom we associate.

Interdependence is the word physicists use to describe the bond every life shares with everything else. These bonds are what give life meaning.

One day I decided to find out what happens if just one of the link  is replaced. Shouldn't the whole lifetime undergo change?. This was the theory.

The purpose was to remove that link which was responsible for making the movie of life  (made of past, present and future) gloomy and difficult.

I was blessed to be in a place (undivided time) where the weak link, whether it was in the past, deep past in another life, or in the present, or likely to come up in the future was easily recognisable and obvious.

The only  worry was  if there would be any repercussions, since every manipulation results in a cost and if the cost was high then the manipulation was not worth it.

But then I thought what exactly is a repercussion? It's the effect of a cause. This means that the effect is later in time and the cause is earlier. It was my actions now that  bring the consequence afterwards. This happened in time. But if I am making the future strong ,why would I would allow or make place for repercussions? There is no price, it's free. No repercussion, hence no cost.

As I said, finding the weakest link (and it surprised me when I did this manipulation for four more type1 diabetic girls, that it was very easy to find the weakening link, even when there were more than one link responsible for making the movie of life miserable ) was easy for me at least.
What was difficult was replacing the weak link with a stronger one.  Nature does not allow breaking of any bonds, any connections, any links unless they are substituted with a replacement.

The links are a creation of our choice. A wrong choice installs a weak link, a right choice installs a strong  link.

Undoing a choice from the past is not easy. Since the past is inaccessible to an ordinary person. But being a time traveller, I had access to  a zone where the dividing lines between the past, present and future were not demarcated. This place gave me the leverage to access any link, even if it was in the past, since past had no separate existence. Everything was now. The past along with the present and the future was in NOW.

I successfully managed to remove the link in my life, and substitute the vacant slot with a choice, that transforms later, and becomes a strong link.

Now it was time to try this exercise on others too. I found five girls who had a form of diabetes, that could lead to worry and sorrow. These five had a strong bond with me (a strong bond allows the person to become transparent allowing the connections to be crystal clear)  which made, removing their weak link easy, and also to convince them of making a choice that would substitute the disconnected weak link with a stronger link. (Of course they are aware of this part, where I put my arguments convincing them to make a certain choice). Unknowingly just by picking an alternative choice, they had rearranged their whole life ahead. (just as by rearranging the molecules, we change the form of a substance, similarly rearranging our choices, we change life)

As soon as the replacement was done, the undivided life (the past, and future in one frame) became very clear of these four diabetic girls and I was satisfied with myself, for relocating them away from a future which could have caused complication.

I tried to do the same exercise with others suffering from the same type of disease, but it did not work, because even though I was able to remove the corrupted link, I had no way of replacing them with a better choice.

Unfortunately, I couldn't change the link responsible for diabetes, as that was the anchor link, made of astral matter, and directly connected to the spiritual body which was responsible for giving life force.  responsible for life.
I was also worried if  the new link, will  corrode and degenerate again.?  With these two apprehensions, I realised, that there are some answers that only  time can answer.

PS. Many wonder at my memory, but travelling in time, has some benefits. Past is easily accessible.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Dear loved ones

Dear loved one.

Many of you are aware, that we are fellow travellers on this pre-determined road of diabetes. We have been travelling on this road for the past thirty years and more, out of which the last five years have been specially educative for us. We wish to share our learnings with you all, in the hope that it may benefit some of you.

We  started by trying to get answers for two questions.

1. There was no convincing reason or a obvious cause for fluctuating blood sugar levels many a times. This unexpected fall or rise generated some worry, fear and even guilt. So was perfect balance a myth?

2. Related to the first question was our second query, if the blood sugars do not remain in the narrow range, would it lead to diabetic complications?. If so why does the complication strike some and why did it not affect everyone? Were  there any similarities in the diabetics that were afflicted by complications?

Mind does influence matter.

We knew from the start that we were searching for an hidden, almost mysterious cause that “We were convinced” was exerting a greater influence than food and insulin. We deliberately wanted to leave food and insulin and their measurements carb counting and dosage calibration out of the equation. Not because, they are not important but the purpose was to go beyond and find what was exerting pressure on food and insulin to become unstable. We were sure the answer lies in our mind.

The hypothesis that we started out with was, “ though we had the same type of diabetes, and again we are one at the spiritual level, was the difference at the mental level,(and it was our thinking, mind set, attitude and behaviour or in one word our nature)  be responsible for making some of us more prone to developing complications”.  Mind could dictate matter.

What makes us

It was found out, that three basic instincts  Worry, Guilt and Fear (WGF from now onwards )  were somehow moulding our mental structure, making us physically and mentally weak. The process was mentioned in some old metaphysical texts that Gautam came across.( Those who are interested in reading more should read Lectures on Raja Yoga by Swami Vivekananda). Patanjalis Yogasutras explain the connections that run between our body and mind and how their communication affects our insula due to which we may be requiring insulin. (the insula, a brain region that detects cues from the body and processes emotions and empathy. The insula helps to integrate one's feelings, actions and several other brain functions.)

WGF, generated stress which changed our thoughts, thoughts were responsible for manifesting a variety of  emotions and feelings, that make up our nature. Some thoughts were adulterating and making  our nature impure. And with many of us, the mix of our weakening thoughts and nature are so perfect  that, there is no indication of the corruption and we found it was in those people that the effect was lethal. These were the same people who believed everything is wrong ONLY at the physical level. And could not remove WGF.

This adulterated nature, was corrupting our health, and was lowering our strength to fight attacks on our physical body, making us fertile to attract supplementary diseases and disorders along with diabetes.

Reading about the effect of stress on nerves, observing the effects of a weakened system in recurrent infections, wide fluctuations of blood sugar levels, frequent bouts of frustration, flared tempers, and  habitually feeling hurt by the behaviour of others, in other words getting affected by everything and swaying like a pendulum from extreme ecstasy to maximum misery, gave the confirmation that WGF was lowering our immunity.

I got support of my hypothesis from literature as old as 1679, where an English physician had linked the onset of diabetes to prolonged sorrow, to 1995 where Thernlund GM, published the relation of psychological stress to onset of IDDM in children, and upto to the recent  December 2016 issue of Diabetes Care, where ADA has published guidelines on how important it is to understand the role of psychosocial behaviour of diabetics, since it has been found to play a bigger role in diabetes than earlier believed.

Problem identified, solution in sight.

To rid our nature from the impurities of WGF, should then be our primary pursuit.

To find a solution, we need to first find the source of the problem. The answer to our primary question had raised another question in the answer.
So what caused Worry, Guilt and Fear ?

I could not find any convincing answers but when we connect the theory to the observable facts, we find that the starting point of WGF in diabetics (especially) is the non-acceptance of the fact that diabetes is a part of us and here to stay with us for long time.

Non-acceptance is the source of fear and worry in a diabetic and the refusal to go beyond the physical manifestation to understand diabetes as having its roots deeper than the physical, creates ignorance. And where there is ignorance, the  misconceptions are many and the intensity of fear is enhanced. Here it may be necessary to append that the Katha Upanishad has a beautiful allegory on how the intellect, or the power of discrimination, called buddhi, is useful in controlling our lower impulses of worry, fear and guilt along with many other feelings.

If you tell the diabetic that acceptance of diabetes is not total, the child will immediately negate it, may be even laugh about it.
This is because with most of us, acceptance is superficial and though everything appears fine on the surface, deep down the diabetic child are running rot, apprehensions, anger, doubts and a host of normal failures that the child considers are due to diabetes.

True that, everyone starts with disbelief and rejection of diabetes, but we end up, hiding the non-acceptance deep within and keep feeding it daily with our WGF.

I fully agree that diabetes destroys our initial identity. Suddenly from being normal and ordinary we are transformed into unsound and infected.

But remembering that we are not ordinary is important.

We are different, and we are special. Raising our consciousness from the physical beyond towards the intellectual dimension will give us the opportunity to realise that our physical illness is not a disability but an opportunity to know ourselves and become wiser and fearless. (To know more about the the five dimensional reality of us, how we are affected in each dimension, and how the higher dimension of intellect can correct, manipulate and modify the lower dimensions of mental, energetic and physical wait for  my next post)

Remembering that diabetes in no way makes us less human or is a retardation of any kind is the first step to accepting what we are.
This will give us the confidence to realise that we need not fight to fit in a mould set by others for others.

Not being able to conform to friends demands or feeling let down by the societies understanding of a diabetic gives strong sentiments  of helplessness and defeatism to the child. From getting accepted by ones own parents to getting accepted by a spouse, a diabetic tries very hard to fit in to the mould that society has preset for everyone.

Meditation is the way.

Dhyana or meditation is the second last step of Ashthanga Yoga and needs to be attained after going the earlier six steps of  Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana. After which comes  Dhyana or Meditation and finally Samadhi.

Learning the earlier six steps for meditation is very important, since the preparation makes it easy to meditate. Otherwise meditation becomes an exercise, which it is not. But the meditation that we should follow is mindfulness or dhyana or paying attention. This is not very different from the meditation propagated by Patanjali in yoga sutras which is mostly taught in all yoga schools, but easier to inculcate in our daily life.
Mindfulness is witnessing everything and accepting everything  and observing oneself.

The technique not only helps in connecting our fragmented life into a complete whole, but it gives many indications and pointers to what we may not be doing right. This can be done by removing judgement from what we see outside and using our energies to go within us and understand and investigate our responses and reactions to people, situations and events outside us.
And once you watch the thief it, gives up its plan of stealing. Just by paying attention, we are able to change our behaviour. (Of course, particle physics insists that the act of observation changes the result. Could be Hawthorne effect, or the Observor effect of Physics) The moment we start to change attention from others to within us, the changes in our physical body are very obvious.

1. Improved concentration.
2. Less irritability and impatience
3. Regular and harmonious breathing
4. Peaceful sleep
5. Reduced variation in blood sugars.

To sum up.
1. Worry, Guilt, Fear could be damaging our physical and mental health, sending us towards trauma, misery or sorrow.
2. Learning to accept everything from diabetes to blood sugar readings will help us to take appropriate steps to control any side effects of diabetes.
3. Learning ways and methods to keep our mind in harmony with our body by using pranayama, mindfulness, or yoga will help along with maintaining a hobby and an exhaustive diary that keeps track of our daily routine. This will also give us a view how intimately our thoughts and emotions are connected to our diabetes.
4. Diabetes is an opportunity to know more about ourselves, and should be used to make our living meaningful by giving it a higher purpose.
5. Last but not the least, move away from people and places that do not help you in your journey to overcome your fears and other weaknesses. Keep in touch with like-minded people who understand you (like your dynamic and diabetic family at JDF) and guide you to give you a stronger will.

With lots and lots of love from.                  Varsha and Gautam Narang.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

What is Dowsing ?

Dowsing is a process of energy reading. Science believes that objects and non objects are energy signatures of an underlying interacting processes . Simply put, everything visible or invisible around us is energy and this energy represents a continuous transformation that, the entity is undergoing. Everything in the universe is a reflection of the ceaseless flow of primal energy, creating subtle patterns that flow and interconnect with others forming a web we call creation.

Vedantic philosophy also gives a similar explanation, giving a dynamic property and an inherent quality of change and influence to even stationary objects.

I use a pendulum to detect the energy behind an event, a person or an object. The reading gives an indication of the energy influence, that person, object or event has and the likely interconnections it would form.

How does this reading help?

My earlier post “Esoteric Guides” has been well received with 400+ views. The post tried to convey the idea that all forms of external help fall short in solving our problems. People resort to Astrology, Vastu, Feng Shui, Crystal therapy etc. to find a way that brings to them towards success, wealth, health and other forms of happiness. Swami Vivekananda says that “ I am sure if you look back upon your lives you will find that you were always vainly trying to get help from others which never came. All the help that has come was from within yourselves. You only had the fruits of what you yourselves worked for, and yet you were strangely hoping all the time for help.”

Dowsing helps in connecting us to our environment harmoniously which is composed of other people or objects by giving us a electromagnetic reading of our self. Since everything is energy and energy flows ( just like water) from a higher consciousness , the readings in dowsing (only if the questions are carefully solicited) tell us three things about the energy in play at that time , the point of origin ,the direction in which the flow is and its area of influence. This information interprets the lessons our experience conveys and allows us to go ahead by bringing a closure.

I shall explain through an example. A few years back, a young girl came to me, as she wanted a solution to her father’s physical and monetary health, both of which had suffered a drastic and sudden downfall. Her father had a paralytic stroke and the factory that he had started was inactive since the past 18 months. Since a dowser is a vastu, fengshui and geomancy expert, she thought that either the house or the factory had some defects. A lot of women staffers were detected with breast cancer in the ABC newsroom in Brisbane in December 2006 , when they were forced to relocate their premises. Here is the link to that story. and /2003341466

A dowser judges if there are any energy lines crossing under the building that could bring obnoxious energies in to the house or factory. In Germany these lines are thought to be cancer producing and they are called “ Read more about it here -stress/geopathic-stress-and-cancer

Coming back to the story, I dowsed on her fathers photograph, her factory and house photographs which gave a reading, “all clear” with respect to energy lines. Then proceeding further on her fathers photograph I made a dowsing chart which could indicate the origin of the energy, the flow and the area of influence. Since I knew the area of influence, it was the health and business, finding the other two variables was easy. To cut a long story short, the point of origin was in the “dues” which the father had managed not to pay. As a dowser, I keep insisting that people should pay extra attention towards “debt “and “dues”. Most of my posts revolve around these two neglected duties of man. In fact one of the reasons of our birth is due to the debt from past lives and the unpaid dues that we carry forward in this life. I asked her if there were any unpaid dues? The girl was now teary eyed and said that banks were ready to reposes the house and some debt was taken to meet the medical bills and household expenses through the difficult times. I explained her that the dues were prior to the fall of fortune and she should look back and find out if some due was unpaid, since the consequence her family was going through was a result of a deliberate choice made in this lifetime. , I did have fair intuition “what that debt was”, but I refused to trouble her more and without taking any charges gave her a small booklet of Swami Vivekanandas “ His call to the Nation”. At the door I casually remarked that these “debt” energies gain momentum over time and inflict greater pain even to the extent of taking all comforts away.

This story only shows how a dowser works which is not by suggesting remedies externally like space clearing, gems and stones but by going directly to the point of origin or the cause. This story does not end here since that girl came back to me after 3 years with a box of chocolates. Her face told me that she had come to give good news. She informed me that her father had died after 7 months of her visit to meet me, her house at tardeo was disposed by the bank last year and she and her mother were now staying at Kandivali a far flung suburb from tardeo which was up market . Her only solace was the discussion she had with her father about what I had told her that day. I waited patiently to know the reason why her face radiated peace, since up to know whatever she had said was not very pleasant.

She said her father had confessed that the dues I was talking about were the “taxes “he had saved on importing the machinery by under declaring the value. The amount He had managed to save was 11 odd lacs. She said that her father told her that had he realised this money would make him and his family suffer he would have gladly paid since at the time of importing the machines he had a huge cash surplus. Nature never forgets and always comes back with a vengeance to balance things, I told her. She did not believe that it was her father’s unpaid dues that had borne this harsh consequence but it was pre-ordained, since many of her father’s friends were still enjoying wealth and had resorted to such similar dubious activities some,even on a much higher scale.

I told her that her father cleared his account in this life; many of us like to carry them forward in our next life and make it difficult for the dowser to know the cause of the consequence. Every choice that we make carries within it the seed of the consequence. It is our duty to choose wisely.

Dowsing is also useful in making a choice based on the energy of the options.

Another way of making a wise choice is to choose the option, which is the most unselfish.

The miseries of the world cannot be cured by physical help only. Until man's nature changes, these physical needs will always arise, and miseries will always be felt, and no amount of physical help will cure them completely. The only solution of this problem is to make mankind pure. Ignorance is the mother of all the evil and all the misery we see. Let men have light, let them be pure and spiritually strong and educated, then alone will misery cease in the world, not before. We may convert every house in the country into a charity asylum, we may fill the land with hospitals, but the misery of man will still continue to exist until man's character changes... 
Swami Vivekananda

Monday, July 1, 2013

Body as Vehicle

Since the past 19 months I have been sending messages in the morning to my friends. This post combines 3 message posts sent last week. After reading my article " A Dowsers Tale " a girl sent me some questions. This post is an answer to those questions. Since it follows " A Dowsers Tale" immidiately on speaking tree , it may answer many unasked questions too.

Intuition is a guidiance tool just like reasoning. We rely too much on logic leaving the part of intuition unused. Both logic and intuition can be understood as two wheels of a motorbike. You can drive on one wheel but not for long and you are likely to encounter situations where riding on one wheel does not work. Both senses are to be used at the same time. Hence intuition that defies logic is only instinct which is in abundance in animals who use this faculty to hunt and feed and eat. Intuition may be considered as one of the wheels of a two wheeler or a wheel of the four wheeler where besides logic and intuition character and knowledge are the other two wheels. This vehicle is our ride out of misery and sorrow. People who find themselves stuck on the road with no "way" ahead have one of the 4 missing wheels. Tommorow I shall write why character and knowledge play an equally important part in our progress.

Your body is precious. It is our vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care.Gautama Buddha

In continuation of my yesterdays post we shall explore the meaning of knowledge which is the third wheel after logic and intuition. Suppose there are a thousand products all made up of clay is it nessecary to see and understand them individually ? No say the sages since if you know about Clay you know about all the 1000 products since their properties will be same. In the Mundaka Upanishads (1.1) Saunaka asked Angira: What is it, knowing which everything is known?

The art of knowing one chief constituent from where everything else emanates or springs out from is knowledge. Everything in the universe from the mighty planets to the lowly stones on the road including God ,human beings ,birds ,animals oceans, microscopic organisms, mountains non things like dreams, feelings like joy sorrow are composed of " atman". or simply said "spirit". Everything has a spirit behind the visible. Just like we need a lab and reagents to learn about a chemical we have been given a life and people and objects to learn about this spirit. By accepting this " Subtle Sense "( also the name of my facebook page ) and accepting this fact we all become " Atmajnani". When we realise its implication we are " Vijnani " or realised individuals. All religious books in all cultures running into crores of pages have been condensed into the above paragraph. Today you have all become Jnanis since this is the only knowledge in the whole world worth knowing . There is a spirit behind everything we see we touch we feel or what we hear. This knowledge that you have recieved today comes to people after many sorrowful births.

The last wheel of the vehicle which is our body is the character. Misunderstood as exemplary social behaviour that adheres to all social norms only a few roadside vagrants have got it correct when the use a term " Character deela hai ". A strong character can be defined as a perfect unity between the Thoughts and the words to the action. Lets see an example many boys on seeing a girl use the word " item " or " maal" with thoughts that edge on the derogatory. These same boys use words that are pleasing to their girlfriend sister mother and aunt. When they act their behaviour shows that they are chivalorous and courteous. The fear that their thoughts are unacceptable to society pulls their 3 idealogies viz. Actions Words and Thoughts in 3 different directions making the joints between them loose or deela. Many boys and girls secretly entertain thoughts which are socially unacceptable. So the transformation is in the thoughts not in our words and actions. A person smoking drinking eating non vegeterian food and visiting brothels if truly shows to everyone his actions and doesnt hide them has more character than a lady or a man getting up early in the morning and going to the temple harboring thoughts about a neighbour or thinking about how to hide his true intentions by showing a good cause. We are a spirit ( remember last post about knowlwdge) which is the closest to our thoughts and is influenced by our thinking. Thoughts are subtle and subtle sense is my facebook page. A strong character which is the result of the integration of our thoughts actions and words sends very subtle messages to our spirit which is present in everything ( see last post). Such messages from character can change the course of destiny. A dowser goes beyond the obvious actions and words in to the realm of thought ascertaining real character and changing the process of thoughts.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Ghanchakkar.... Not the Movie

Means crazy , insane or a lunatic in hindi slang.

The whole of this universe is mad -- some for wealth, some for pleasure, some for fame, some for a hundred other things. They are mad for gold, or husbands, or wives, for little trifles, mad to tyrannise over somebody, mad to become rich, mad for every foolish thing except God. And they can understand only their own madness. When another man is mad after gold, they have fellow - feeling and sympathy for him, and they say he is the right man, as lunatics think that lunatics alone are sane. Swami Vivekananda in The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda Vol 4. Pages 171-172

They are all mad. Children are [mad] after their games, the young after the young, the old [are] chewing the cud of their past years; some are mad after gold. Why not some after God? Swami Vivekananda in The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda Vol 6. Page 73

In my earlier post titled “ Sickness” dated 1st June, I had written how mental disorders have become very common these days.

Insanity refers to to the defective function of mental processes such as reasoning.

What impairs our function of reasoning ?

In my post on Investing for gains -2, my point no. 3 of being rational I have pointed out that we rely more than necessary on media and others to think for us. This makes us loose our capacity to discriminate and rationalise. The situation is similar to the blind following the blind.

In the quote above, Swami Vivekananda says that “ lunatics think that lunatics alone are sane” , the corollary being that lunatics take the sane to be insane. Insanity, then may be the only sanest thing.

By thinking that we are sane are we not really approving our insanity or may be we are acting maniacally
We have no memory of who we are since we confuse ourselves with the body
We have no clear idea of what we want, only an inkling perhaps
We have unaware of what is really happening around us
We have no clue where to look for our lost divinity, trying hard to find it everywhere but within our hearts.
We behave as deluded people by forgetting our “ real self” and loose the power of discrimination ultimately becoming spiritually “dead”

What Causes this insanity ?

Swami Nikhilananda in his book “ Man in search of Immortality” (page 49) says that the tendency of the mind to dwell on objects other than the self breeds attachment, which stimulates desires to posses “ those objects”. The frustration of desire is follow by anger, which produces delusions.

PS Though the title of the blog says that it is not about the movie, I find a compulsion to mention that after watching the theatrical trailers, I was attracted to its title, and was inspired to come up with a blog. On a related note I must mention here that I do not idolise any film star, but looking aurically ( purely from an energy point of view), Emraan Hashmi is a much better person than the many whom I see on TV. I am not a hindi movie buff and don’t remember the seeing a hindi movie in the last 13 years, but I may make an exception after reading a review.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Monk and Monad - Swami Vivekananda

31st May 1893. Swami Vivekananda leaves the Bombay Harbour to attend the parliament of religions in Chicago.

120 years ago, on this day, Swami Vivekananda did not go alone. He was carrying within Him a culture that had given birth to the mother of all religions. He was also carrying within Him an heart that bled for His countrymen. It was His love for India that made him travel over the Seven Seas, considered to be a sin if undertaken by a monk. But He was no ordinary monk.

He was a Monad. Monad (from Greek μονάς monas, "unit" from μόνος monos, "alone"), according to the Pythagoreans, was a term for Divinity or the first being, or the totality of all beings,Monad being the source or the One meaning without division.

This was the earlier defination of a Monad, Quantum Physics think of Monads The true simple substance is not atoms, but rather monads. Monads are unextended (shapeless and sizeless) force or energy that constitutes everything in nature. It's similar with atom in a number of ways, the difference being, atom is lifeless and material, whereas monads are dynamic and nonmaterial. Whereas the atomis lifeless and static by itself, the monads are capable of action on its own

One is a defination for a divine Human, the other for the particles or the processes that subatomic particles undertake.

Both the meanings are relevant to the towering personality of Swami Vivekananda. Swami Vivekananda was the collective soul of the people of India. He was not going alone. It was the anguish of the Indians wanting to be heard. On this day Swami Vivekananda was carrying a baggage of millions and millions of souls within Him. He was not alone.

PS. In the 9048 pages of The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, the word " India" is repeated 2329 times. Those were not just words. May be His heart used to beat 2329 in a minute for His Country, His Countrymen and their pitiable state. If you think it is an exaggeration, please read His life, His Saying, His writings. Your love for your country will expand thousandfold for your country.

“Swami Vivekananda saved Hinduism and saved India. But for him, we would have lost our religion and would not have gained our freedom. We therefore owe everything to Swami Vivekananda.”
- Sri Chakravarthi Rajagopalachari (Dec 10, 1878 - Dec 25, 1972). He was popularly known as Rajaji or C.R. He was the first governor general of Independent India and was an Indian lawyer, writer, statesman and a devout Hindu.

Gandhi once said, “My love for India has become a thousandfold after thorough reading of Swami Vivekananda.”

Swami Vivekananda will not stop inspiring , because His heart still beats in the billions of Indians today whether they know about Him or not.