Monday, February 15, 2010


According to the author sexual energy cannot have only a singular aim of continuation of Life as the energy required for such an aim is a small proportion , an infinitesimal fraction of the energy created. Since the energy created is of a much greater quantity than required just for continuation of life the author believes that there are two more aims of this abundant reserve of dynamic energy.

The second aim is the keeping up of the breed, which is expounded as secondary sex characters.

He explains it by going in to the physiological traits that are evident in men and women differently by nature of their sexual energy. He goes in to the detail by explaining that real evolution happens when these secondary sex characters are developed and energy required to develop them is freely available without becoming weak by the primary aim , which is sometimes used to extreme due to passions and desires. This process where the energy is lost by expressing it viciously becomes degenerative to the anatomical and physiological traits.

He describes in detail what these physiological characteristics are.
a) Lines of the body ( independent of the anatomical structure of the skeleton ) b) different distribution of muscles and fat on the body c) difference in movements d) different distribution of hair on the body e) a diffrent voice f) difference in instincts, sensations, tastes, temparement, emotions, reaction to external stimulli etc, g) a different mentality all that makes up feminine psychology and masculine psychology.

Now we know why the world has seen so many gay and lesbian people mushroom all over. Since this secondary characters give the esssence to the breed we can also assume why men have started behaving like women resorting to gossip cheap talk and a sudden loss of character and personality.

The author believes that the degeneration brings weakening of characters in a woman who starts developing manly characteristics and vice versa.

The third aim of this sexual enerrgy is transmutation, from man to superman. The author believes that sex is not sin or that abstinence, sexual impotence, infantile, senile or any pathological disease cannot be related to an higher aim of sex or spirituality. Even condeming it and absence of interest is also not a desirable quality of aspirants who wish to go over from man to superman. Such men who think of sex as an adversery to be overcome by struggle are usually suffering from characteristics of infra sex, which imbibes qualities of pseudo-morality and pseudo-values, pseudo-saintliness. Such men have used sex to dictate laws to normal lives, who become fearful and start growing superstition and regard things and actions with taboo. The author puts a warning here that “ This does not mean that all morals, all laws and all restrictions relating to sex were wrong. But, as always occurs in life when right ideas come from the wrong source, together with what is right they bear within them a great deal that is wrong, that contradicts their fundamental essence, that brings about new confusions and new complications. “

The apparent contradictory is cleared by the author who believes that sex is not be derided in any way and is a potent force that needs to be acknowledged and understood without making sex an object of criticism. Ramakrishna believed that the divine mother is responsible for everything in the world and even bowed down before prostitutes and treated them as manifestations of the divine .

Men who belong to the category where sex becomes a adversery have certain characteristics which are given below a) They connect with sex as something which is lowest in man. b) Sex is also thought of something as unclean, so man speaks about sex and sexual things with unclean words and unclean thoughts c) He thinks of everyone as a slave to sex at the same time being aware of his slavery.d) He mentally throws dirt on sex and on everything connected to sex, invents indecent anecdotes or likes to listen to them e) His full life is full of obscene language ; everything is as unclean to him as himself f) If he does not degrade sex he derides it, takes it as a joke, tries to find something comic in sex. g) Such men gain a mentality which becomes coloured and impregnated with distrust, suspicion , fear and repugenance..h) Such men who separate sex from other functions of their life and look upon it with antagonism in regards to all other functions and think of it as a merely physical activity feel sex as an impediment, an obstacle, a waste of force, a waste of energy. This waste of energy in sex functions and the realisation of this waste is one of the distinctive traits of the form of infra sex.

In fact the author insists on two major pointers of people having a complex infra sex problem
a) Sex as a subject of Laughter or as anything that can be connected with anything negative in man
b) Wastage of energy in sex ie depletion of energy faster than renewed. In fact one of the main positive character of normal people who do not belittle sex is that their energy is immidiately renewed because of the richness and positive chracter of the sensations thoughts and emotions connected with sex.

As against this attitude of people with infra sex people who do not look down on sex or do not make it an object of laughter usually have their energy replaced owing to the richness of the sensations and impressions which are received by the intellect, the consciousness and the feeling. This type of psyche repels everything negative. This does not imply that such people whose sex is cordinated with their functions in life do not suffer disappointments or sufferings as life is not at all harmonious with nature but the only difference is that such people never blame other people for their sufferings nor do they have any perverted emotions such as violence revenge or insanity.

The normal people who do not think of sex in deragatory means also have many uncoordinated nature as regards to their emotions but this the author insists is not due to sex but to a different cause. The author introduces now to a concept which was not so common in the time when this article was written ie between 1912 to 1929, which is endocrinology. The author believes that men and women have to be divided using not the blood types or temperaments. According to the esoteric science ( look for my next article that explains esoteric science and normal science ) men have to be divided as per their internal secretions or the “ formulae “ or their “ constellations “ which means the combinations of their internal secretions.

The author believes that the fundamental types are dictated by these internal secretion and for every man there are several positive types of women, a union of which guarantees that sex is never deragratory because the such women inspire and influence certain thoughts feelings and emotions .Hence the union of such men and women will guarantee that man will never stoop low to levels of pornography or develop impotence or perversions which the author insists is the worst form of infra sex.

Men and Women when divided using endocrinology as a type exert an influence which is emotional and physical on each other which is independent of expressed tastes sympathies and inclinations.

The author then uses a lot of words in making us understand what these different types are and what are their characteristics and how for one type of man there could be 3 or more types of women and how one type of a man could be suitable or even best for the type of the women but how that woman could be of the wrong type for that man . A perfect mismatch situation.

In ancient times such considerations were of prime importance before “ marriage sacrament “ and hence the choice was left to an “ initiate “ who did not perform the mechanical ritual part of the marriage ceremony but after determining the types gave advice and took the decision whether a particular marriage could take place or no. But this was long forgotten alongwith the different types of men and women.

All these arguments have been given by the author for the third part of the aim that is the transmutation from man to superman. All systems of cultured religions agree that sexual energy could be used for this purpose, with only one difference which was whether complete abstinence of sex is nessecary or just normal sex would be sufficient. This normal sex is clearly to be differntiated from infra sex as mentioned above.

Even Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa believed that 12 years of celibacy makes a man get what he wishes for.

But the way to transmutation from man to superman is through sex and not by the avoidance of it.
According to the author religions which tried to condemm sex were unsuccesful of becoming a point of refference to go from the normal to supernormal as it made people hate and make sex deragrotory, Sri Ramakrishna believed that only when the Mother ( his worship of the creator was through the idol of Kali ) wishes can such thoughts leave a person, till then the Mayavic forces are so strong that when tried to overpower they become more strong.

The author then goes on to connect all psychological functions of the body including sex to the glands of internal secretions. He suggests that most emotions are activated by glands and even the configuration of the body like growth, nourishment, structure, functioning of different organs, psychic life, intellectual and emotional life , activity, psychic make up of man, his energy and strenght is related to supply of hormones or specifically secretions from ductless glands which provide motive power for the working of the organs, the nervous system brain etc. He even says that science has connected the endocrine secretions with the autonomic nervous system.

The author emphasises that all external characteristics that are visible in a man, that is his height, the structure of the skeleton, the quality of the skin, eyes, ears, hair, voice, respiration, way of thinking, quickness of perception, character, emotionality, will-power, energy, activity, initiative, all are dependent on the action of the glands of internal secretions, and so to speak reflect their state.

The author then refers to two books by Dr. Berman of New York. The First Book the Glands regulating Personality follows several historical personages like Napolean and realises that on the weakining of his pituitary gland, at st. Helena his personality changed and ended in a catastrophe at Waterloo. Some of the data collected by Dr. Berman were from physicians attending to Napolean.

The other book The Personal Equation , Dr. Berman examines the different types of personalities by reading the pre dominance of a one or nother gland and infers that man is a marionette controlled by his glandular secretions.

The author is concerened with the secretion of Sex Glands only but now believes that though Sex is a cause for the downfall or rising of man other functions of man are affected equally and for the right functioning of whole organism all glands must be functioning well and and a change or deteriortion of one gland is responsible for the breakdown of this mechanism.

The author now firmly believes that external characteristics of a person are due to the internal secretions and goes on to give a list of 32 external signs that have been recorded and the author confers that these 32 signs give an idea of the endocrinological history of Gautama Buddha
The transmutation of sexual energy which makes man in to a superman actually works inwardly and creates a new life which is capable of ever new eternal regeneration.

In the closing argument the author believes that man on the verge of becoming a superman actually starts understanding strange emotions and stranger sensations which were inexplicable from an ordinary point of view, especially in love and sex which has a strange melancholy and strange sadness. The sensation of parting is specially strong as a new sensation gets replaced which is actually a new consciousness or a new mystical state. The author insists that of all ordinary human experiences only sex sensations approach those which we may call “ mystical “
And this is the precise reason why the terrible power of sex over human souls is absolute.
But the sex sensations disappear in the light of mystical experiences gradually or eventually.
That is the reason why first sensations of mystical experiences intensify sex sensations but the further waves of light that a man begins to see completely absorb and cause to disappear those small sparks of sensations which seemed to him a blaze of love and passion.

A final word of encouragement by the author suggests that people have to find out their own way to go from man to superman, either by struggling against sex or accepting and transforming it as in their case the sex is sufficiently coordinated with all other functions of their life.