Saturday, October 13, 2007


The science of Prediction has moved away from the path of realizing the importance of the past build up to the present circumstances from where extrapolating the effects into the future would give a clearer and truer picture, rather than just predicting a future without any basis in the present or the past.

Such illusions not only mask reality but project a substitute reality far more intense but untrue and is easily absorbed by most as fate accompli

These all knowing seers who make prediction a projection of their sonic tool which
not only conveys their falliable guidance, but justifies selling them at a price as a commodity worthy in time.

Predictions are just one of the many possible probabilities that could suddenly assume psuedo reality. Correct to say that hidden or sometimes very obvious reasons which we fail to perceive play the part of a bully in vetoing the changing patterns and paths of life.Is it possible to account for all such factors by reading only a few sometimes only one variable like in numerology.

Selling a dream without a suitable warning creates more harm than a one in which clear indications of the effects are mentioned with flexibility.

This of course does not mean that predictions are completely unsafe or useless. They are excellent tools in the hands of a forecaster to help understand the immediate position of a seeker. It can also be used as a guidance tool or as a map wherein the coordinates of a hopeful’s position is planted with respect to his financial emotional intellectual and physical health. Such a help would no doubt be quite useful in allowing him to chart his own future and obtain it with near perfect results.But instead of giving weapons to fight the personal battles and bring our weaknesses under control, we are made to believe that crystals, distorting names, wearing a lucky charm can do our work while we continue to carry on with our life without understanding or realizing where we are going or where we stand..We have given the control of our existence to such ephemeral beliefs while we pursue mindless living.

Most don’t want to believe that the power to change and create our own future lies in our hands. It does not lie in the hands of Tarot Card Readers, Numerlogists, Astrologers and Palmists.It is like a movie where the associate character is given more importance than the Main Character. Even the concept of physical reality, wherein our image as a impotent bystander has been graduated to that of a paternity in creation, and this too by emerging paradoxes in new physics. Tat Tvam Asi ( Thou Art That )is not a mantra for a victorious few, but it is as true as hunger for food in all living beings. Science finally addresses question of belief by saying that faith has been misplaced.

Such a belief that we have the power to change our destiny is an execise worthy of trial atleast a few times more than our visits to such predictors, who is only a predator for satiating his hunger for Ego and Fame.

Most seers and now physicists know that accuracy in predicting any natural phenomen is not an easy task. Besides collecting much information and processing data in hundreds of simulations, there is always some part in the hands of Nature itself. Hence a fully verifiable result is not achieved everytime.But we are predicting nature, so nature keeps the end result for itself. Human nature is also similar, having known that there is everything that is to be known some amount is always kept in reserve. This could be a conscious or a sub conscious attempt, Hence sometimes even experts are foxed.

Another factor that could probably effect the outcome of predictions could be the capabilities of such people who predict, just as a precision instrument is not fully accurate in its readings and narrowly misses the true value, so do individuals if not properly ground in the spiritual path and who commercially exploit fears and troubles of others cannot be faultless.

But it does not mean that it is impossible to determine the events of future.
Future can be predicted with accuracy but only for oneself, provided certain conditions are fulfilled.It also does not imply that the future is pre determined and pre ordained like a fixed game between two players.

One thing is very clear. There is dependent origination in nature.As you sow, so shall you reap.What originates is dependent on other causative factors. What has already emerged may perhaps have a remedial measure that too only in nature which revelas to us with our diligence, honesty and introspection.

“ Nature cares nothing for logic, our human logic, she has her own, which we don’t recognize and don’t acknowledge, until we are crushed under its wheel “

Ivan Turgenev ( Russian Author 1818-1883)

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