Wednesday, April 8, 2009


From the numerous options that this dimension has why does only one probability get projected from this realm? which one gets preference to get reflected on the universal mirror?
better still who or what decides to script the next step in our conceptual world ?
Are we only present as a  passive spectators or as a active participants ? 

Self help masters tell us that our perception and our journey in life can be altered by changing / or is it charging  our thoughts. Thoughts are subtle elements in our psyche that allow us the flexibility to change our perception and finally the projection as if on a cue allows us to see only those events which we yearn for . What we are unable to gauge is whether our thoughts originate from our buddhi ( intellect ) or our feelings which waver uncessingly and are unable to grasp the our real needs. But there is another catch , sometimes we are not sure what we desire and most of the times we do not want the complete desire to be fulfilled. For Ex. We might want lots of Money , but we also gain a fair amount of greed and psychological instability to want a lot more. Most of us have lost more than gained in our effort to contain our needs. For whatever we covet and fulfill , our want never ceases.
So thoughts when attached to the mind never accomplish what they sets out for.
But when the mind is attached to pure intellect and is not undecided then the result is magic.
There is story on Meerabai in Indian culture, that shows that when the mind is fixed on subtle thoughts even things like poison turn into nectar. Yes subtle thoughts do have the ability to penetrate the 5th dimension and get us our choice of consequence. A dynamic participator can effectively mould by his intellect mind and will the course of his path with its surroundings.

A subtle invisible element like a thought is credited with manufacturing reality.

Religion tells us that God throws dice and decides the next move, He could also be flipping coins eh. It is the will of God that it so and so happened. Events are left at the will of a  Diety whose only work is to hand over report cards to humanity.This consolation is very common in almost all societies and is reasonably accepted as destiny which believes that the universe
flows towards pre-determined paths. But It does not say though why God made such a will. Random events are a integral part of nature that is so well organised. Since the events are random , it gives us a strong reason to believe in the impersonal machine of the universe that objectively does what it judges in a very unbiased and non partisan way. Of course there was enough scope for man to fill in the gap by giving handouts of do's and dont's that the commanding machine uses as laws to operate. Thus formed an unending trail of religious bigotry.
A helpless observor that can only see but neither do or undo the happenings.

Here too a subtle entity is credited with altering events in the universe.

Vedantists tell us that all options appear to be numerous but are actually one or rather none and they are brought about by our ignorance to see beyond the obvious  (the viel of ignorance or the 5th dimension ) that surrounds us and hampers our view of the reality. But it also puts man in charge of this man made reality as it believes that the organs of knowledge and the organs of sense which are physical entities are responsible for creating this pseudo reality.
But a potent question which is answered in the projection theory of reality , is what are we projecting excatly ? For any reflection to take place there has to be an original identity or concept of which the projection occurs or materialises.
This identity or concept is Brahman who is beyond all descriptions but for the sake of giving a name it is so called, which out of a compulsion to express itself becomes divided into billions of  things from the screen on which the projection takes place to all the elements in it.
They also say that happenings occur because we are eager to see them. ( The drishti-shrishti theory ) Vedanta goes one step further by implying that  not only are the causes subtle but even the fallout ( the projected entity or reality ) is not real but subtle.

A classical case that makes the participator  itself a subtle entity that observes the mythical and subtle world .

New age physics tells us that events are a combination of chance ( randomness ) and desire ( participators willingness to see those events) where even unmanifested options flow along the manifest ones in alternate space-times. The universe is still percieved to be a sensory world where the begining of  time was a combination of chemical or cosmological imbalances interacting with themselves for some unknown purpose  This is a incomplete mix of Religion and Vedanta. But here the participator is given credit for observing random events and experiencing them as if they have been produced by him, a cynical sense of authority over events without comprehending the process that generates these events.

A case of false participation by the observor who is still in awe of the generated events prior to his participation but nevertheless events are still the prerogative of subtle entities.

So are all these just rationale explanations for going ons in an dimension which frustrates reasoning ?

Lets rephrase our question slightly since subtle elements are being charged with running the show in a 4 dimensional world where visibility of these elements is not even confirmed by science.

Is it true that the gross universe is just an expression of the subtle potential ? And is it also true that the true motive power of this universe  is safely encased within a subtle realm ? 

If the answers to the question is a yes , then what are we doing besides projecting our fears and desires at random or will , getting projected and participating in the projection with awe and looking in vain for a God who is again doing the same ie projecting , getting projected and participating in the projection.

Whether or not there was a begining, we can only argue but one aspect of this dimension that everyone agrees is that it is beyond the senses or concepts.We are also certain that it fills our space with illusionary reality.

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