Sunday, April 19, 2009

Questions and Answers

Question1 I believe that every human being is the mirror image of God and the lives of each of us has a purpose assigned by God. I've been trying to figure out whats the purpose of my being on earth. Is it just talking, eating, working , listening to people and fighting with them ? How do i align my purpose in life with the one God surely sent me here for ?

A Life and Spirit believers reply.

Yes, we are mirror images but of a God who is much more than our images of 3 dimension.
Just as the mirror reflects a 3 dimensional reality on a 2 dimensional surface, so are we reflections of a multi dimensional reality on to this 3 dimensions. Our purpose is to find the other dimensions within ourselves that unify us with our God , whom we are reflecting.This activity for searching the point which connects us to our creator and the way by which we remove this delusion that we are separate forms our goal in life.  

Question 2 Why do we hurt people unintentionally? Why does the other person get angry despite knowing it was not deliberate ?

A Life and Spirit believers reply.

Just as our hurt is unintentional, similarly we should give the benefit to the other person that his anger could also be unintentional. Our understanding  for oneself is quite clear but when it comes to anyone other than us our lack of understanding takes over quickly.

Question3 I am a 36-year-old qualified doctor. I have been in medical journalism for eight years.
But now I want to get back to practising medicine. My problem is that I feel bogged down by my age. All my friends are way ahead in their careers. I am constantly engaged in analysis - paralysis about my age. What if I can't make it now ? Can my medical career take shape at this age ? Will i be able to support my family ? Please suggest a way out of this mental mayhem ?

A Life and Spirit believers reply.

If there is any need to stop and ponder in our journey called life , it should only be to appreciate our blessings. Brooding over the past is not going to change the present neither are worries about the future going to make it easier. Our choices have to be guaranteed by our inner nature ( intuition ) or our little self that says very little but knows everything. Since man has been the maker of his destiny there should not be any uncertainty about the events of the future. The only thing we need to ensure is are we physically, mentally and spiritually fit to take any consequence as a result of our choice, which may either reward us or teach us or both.