The Case of the 5th Dimension
Physicists speak of dark matter.
There are basically 2 reasons which prompted the physicists to speak of dark matter or anti-matter as it is also called.
Reason 1
A noticeable difference arises when visible matter and estimated matter in the universe is mathematically calculated.
This discrepancy is about 10 times shorter than the estimated matter. Physicists therefore believe the universe contains embedded matter which has no visibility but exsists. This is dark matter.
Reason 2
There is however another reason for the exsistence of anti-matter.The universe acts like a cosmic superconductor not for electricity but for weak forces. Since there is nothing in the universe with such attributes, it is accepted that the universe is floating or surrounded by something unkown. This anti matter though without mass or visibility exerts force which cannot be quantified.
The Physicists have started believing that butter though not visible exsists in Milk.
It is only by churning the milk that the butter is discovered.They have started the process of discovering anti-matter or matter which has a very short life and is invisible by building a machine that looks like a giant mixer but is actually a collidier which could be a inspiration from the hindu puranas that speak of a giant mountain used by the gods and demons to churn ( this collider is at cern) the ocean to search for a elixer of immortality .
Instead of observing the outcome, this time science wants a glimpse of the phenomenon.
This churning wants only to get a glimpse in to the process used by the magician to create magic.
To understand such identities which are formless yet exsistent , we have to believe that certain objects are beyond the 5 senses that we are endowed with and the 4 dimensions that we are aware of.
Vedantist call it the bhavarupam yatkinchit or the not non existant positive something. The same defination applies to Maya or ignorance too.
A dimension is described as the amount of space occupied by something.
we are coming across a dimension which is occupying space, but since it is beyond the 3 spatial and 4th dimension of time we shall number it as the 5th Dimension.
There is a delibrate attempt by the Creator of this dimension to keep it beyond the reach of the senses. This resonating room has a definate purpose on hand . Mystics and Seers who could access this dimension have written that its sole aim is to hide the truth ( avarana ) and project the illusion (vikespa )
This subtle and intelligent dimension hides the future while projecting the present . Just as the shadow is a projection of 3 dimensional world onto a 2 dimensional plane , so could the world be a projection of the 5 dimensional reality on to a 4 dimensional space-time continium. Just as the shadow has no real lenght and it depends on time , could then it be that this projection has no real exsistence and its appraisal will depend on some factor outside of this reality.
This projecting light of intelligence ,say that vedantists is inexplicable , impossible to comprehend and disappers into something else the moment we wish to know it. A classical case of unending mystery and a possible provisioning for more dimensions.
Since this could be the place in the universe fom where all elements are projected, it is this realm that mystics try to access to get answers to the happenings around them and within them. Physicists have assumed the role of the mystics in this age and are now on to the same path which was tread by the seers a long time ago.
An illusionists keeps certain props invisible to the audience, which help him conjure up a trick.
A seasoned magician not only hides the real intention deftly but also projects the untruth. Another word for the creator of our multi-sensory world could be the magician. As the pre requisite to knowing the truth about ourselves and our exsistence in vast space , vedanta tells us to discriminate the real from the unreal by knowing that in an illusion the magician is real but his magic is not.
Unlike the magicians act , the universe seems to move without any definate script and keeps making fun of any physical or natural law by avoiding all logical turns. This has now been proved by particle physics experiments which confirm that there is no linear event in time and all occurences are tendencies or probabilities to exsist , events are randomly produced, and though our logic does not agree , God does play dice.
Out of many undeveloped available options the dimension chooses one option to manifest.
The theory behind the selection is very difficult to understand as here cause is not valid as a reason. Our choices bring about consequences in the projected world is what we have been told , but the incentive to make a particular choice is inspired from this dimension, after all this place is responsible for providing motive to the other 4 dimensions.
The ways of this world are unscrutable, so says the Vedantist and now the particle physicists.
The world we see around us is the consequence of this projection. An illusion created by a projector based in an unseen hidden place whose exsistence cannot be verified by our senses whose purpose cannot be clarified by the happennings , nor the working understood by our finite intellect.
Another fallout of this imaginary reality is that we are able to change the multi-sensory photoplay as the patterns for energetic transformations in to matter ( e=mc2) in the 5th dimension are just tendencies to exsist and not the real or the definate events waiting to reveal in our ( 4 dimensional ) reality.
Anais Nin was right when she said that we do not see things as they are but we see them as we are.
The world around us therefore is our own creation based on our past accumulated feelings notions and experiences.
After all what we are seeing are projections, only here it becomes a phenomenon because the projected entity is watching another part of the same projection. A movie in which the character is watching the same movie in which he is a part of. weird. Not entirely impossible Vedanta says.
The explanation that Vedanta gives for this weirdness is that we have a higher self and a lower self. The higher self watches over like an elder brother on the doings of the lower self that enjoys and takes this illusion to be true and develops it with his mind and justifies with his intellect.
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