Question 1 I lost my only son two years ago in a road accident in Bangalore. He was 33 and in the Indian Navy. He had no children and did not live with his wife.We are senior citizens and live near our daughters house. We are financially independent. But somehow, we are unable to bear the loss of our son, constantly think about him and ask why this tragedy happened to us. My wife has become a recluse and ceased to have contact with family and friends. Could you advise us how to overcome the pain ?
Life and Spirit believers reply.
Demand an answer from your inner god or your Ishta Deva, you have absolute authority to ask from Him why such a incident took place. In doing so. not only the cause will be known, you will be guided protectively in your further path . In case you have not found the God within or without, now is the correct time to go searching for Him.
Question 2 I live my Life with patience, fulfill my responsibilities, dont hurt anyone and try to accept whatever comes my way. But I've faced many problems - my dear ones have passed away, the marriages of both my children collapsed and my investments failed. Then there is my brother and his wife, who are selfish, hurt the family and do not follow any dharma. They are flourishing in every way. How does one accept this ?
A Life and Spirit believers reply.
We are not the physical body, our centre of power lies beyond the senses in a very subtle realm. Have you ever got in touch with it ? Probably when you do you will realise that whatever incidents you have witnessed have been your doing and unconsciously they have reflected out from your psyche.
Question 3 A year ago , I suffered a severe bout of depression and was cured after six months of medication. Now once again I have started to feel anxious. But i Now want to overcome depression, using meditation. I have tried sudarshan kriya but my thoughts wander when I meditate. Can you suggest a simple way to meditate.?
A Life and Spirit believers reply.
Finding a true Guru is very difficult but with God's grace people do get them. It is advisable to first remove the cause of depression and search for a Guru who can speak to you from beyond His grave. Meanwhile continue searching for answers and paths within yourself and if the answers are ambiguous or vague, search for reasons within you why they are so. Try to stabilise the mind by purifying your inner desires and the answers shall be forthcoming.
Question 4 In recent years, I've observed that many people believe in advaitya. I've noticed that after coming out of dhyan, aperson feels sad and may be irritated and harsh with others. Is this the usual outcome of meditation ? If yes, why so one meditate.
A Life and Spirit believers reply.
No, this is not the usual outcome if done correctly, not only does the process culminate in calmness, but the individual also starts developing empathy for all life forms as the consciouness expands to include him with the power of the self.
Question5 There surely must be some purpose in the minute details of the cycle of life and death. What could be the purpose of the creation of the universe in its totality?
A Life and Spirit believers reply.
The univers and its events are considered a play " lila" and as such they have no purpose in totality, but coming down to an individualistic arena of this play , we certainly have some purpose. Our first inquiry is to find out the purpose as all of us have been given different roles to play and so our purposes must surely be different as well and the second is to fulfill it to some extent. Vedanta says our purpose in life to realise the divinty inherent in us.
Question6 When all of us are God;s creation, we must surely be able to see him in each individual. Why then do some people suffer miserably, such as the poor and why do some people commit heinous crime such as rape, murder or incest ? Are they to part of God ?
A Life and Spirit believers reply.
Yes everything that surrounds us is a part of God , but the degree to which God is present could be different. What we are able to see is a part of the creation, never the full reality, why things happen to others are beyond our understanding and our need to know is not very important as we cannot drive another persons car by steering our own. but the incidents that affect us should be thoroughly searched for its purpose and our response to it should be prompt.
Question7 What is Luck ? Why does it matter so much to succeed in life ? Why cant a person succed just by working hard with commitment?
A Life and Spirit believers reply.
Luck is an elusive element that picks up any individual from the many that covet it
Theories have been not so lucky to explain it. Sucess is relative and we all measure it with someone else. In the long run if you complete your life by imbibing some charcteristics that take you closer to the creator then it is considered a succesful life.
Question9 Spiritual Laws work well when life is normal and the mind is stable. But at times, there are extreme presuures in life, which cause mental stress. This comes when you face failure despite your best efforts. How de we cope with such situations? Do we accept such phases because they are predestined?
A Life and Spirit believers reply.
Spiritual Laws is a contradiction. There are no laws or limits except the ones we set for ourselves. Mental stress and presuures are indications that our physical body is weak and our desires are beyond the scope of this body to fulfill. When the mind and body is strong then either the desires will keep away or they will come to fulfill themselves.
As for predestined events we have been given the capacity to alter them to our liking and use them as oppurtunities to gain more knowledge about ourselves and our wonderful exsistence.
Question10 I am very confused about my current state of mind. Is it possible to disregard your own good fortune and feel miserable because of your parents misfortune? I have been blessed with everything, yet my parents and I keep mourning the loss of my young brother who died three years ago. Should grieving have a time limit? It impairs your daily life and keeps you from appreciating all that you have, do you need proffesional help to overcome it?
A Life and Spirit believers reply.
Grieving for a loss is natural and so is overcoming it. This state of continuing grief is not natural. Our fears in not knowing that things keep changing get reflected to others and brings the mind to a point where it engulfs our judgement. But a proffesional help might be useful in such cases where a person who is spiritually inclined is given the task to bring their fears into the outer psyche from where they are allowed to disspate.
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